
Box of fun - Procreate creator kit

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Box of fun - Procreate creator kit

5 ratings

B O X  O F  F U N 

by lysified

A Procreate toolkit to explore and unleash your creativity with different media. Pencils, pastels, a little bit of watercolor? Pencil shading, smooth textures, noise? Got it all!


As your feedback on my previous set was that you'd like to pick your version, I included this option. If you choose to get either set, you'll get the brushes, if you decide to get both, you'll also get the extras of this box: 3 paper overlays and 12 limited color palettes.


Come, check my instagram for the guide pages! Once I finish making them, will upload them to this set as well and you can get it for keeps. Instagram: https://instagram.com/lysified


There's a trial version of this already available on my gumroad. To get a small taste, go here: https://lysified.gumroad.com/l/Fundemo

Please note that these brushes are made in Procreate 5 with Apple stylus, will only work in Procreate as well. Refund on digital products is not possible.

The brushes are made for procreate only, they will not work in any other program. No refunds on digital products. They are free to use in your commercial projects as well, but you are not allowed to resell the set in any shape or form, for more, please do check the license attached to your download. You are not to reupload this product to anywhere even with the commercial license - if you'd like to share, please share my link instead.

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27 shader brushes
20 €
27 drawing brushes
20 €
*extra* 3 paper overlays
9 €
*extra* 12 limited color palette
4 €
Installing and guide on paper textures
2 pages
Lifetime updates
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No refunds allowed


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